Category Archives: “Real” things

Real things: news, environment, politics, science, sociology, etc.

Having the celebs doesn’t usually mean much

But Barack certainly seems to get the young ones out.  This is a great support video featuring celebs and music.  If it were a single I’d buy it.  As it stands perhaps I’ll find a way to get this video onto my computer.  Ahem, umm, as I respect copyright laws and all of that.

Yes We Can – Barack Obama support song (YouTube)

Is this really a solution?

Bariatric surgery to cure diabetes. – MSNBC

Two groups.  One with surgery.  One without.  Surgery group lost an average of 46 lbs over the 2 year study.  The control group lost an average of 3!  It is a surprise that the group who lost the most weight had higher incidences of diabetes remission?  NO.

I know obesity surgeries force a life change in the subjects.  But there’s also plenty of evidence to show that people learn to eat around those changes and still be overweight.  Is overweight more healthy than obese?  Yes.  I just don’t think this is a realistic treatment.  Yes it’s hard to lose weight.  Yes it’s harder probably to change your life to be healthy.  And harder still to keep it off (trust me I know, even though I’ve done a fairly decent job of it).  But learning those skills HAS to be better than surgery right?

Looking good?

So here are two articles on the new show on Lifetime, “How to Look Good Naked”.  I’m not going to comment on the show as I’ve not seen it.  I likely won’t watch it, especially if what’s written about the show are true.  Suffice it to say, yes media have given women a false ideal of perfection.  Yes, women (and men) as a result suffer from body dysmorphia.  Yes, not hating yourself is a step in the right direction.  But no, some people are overweight and they need to lose some.  They don’t have to be stick thin, but they have to get healthy.  Okay, I’ve already commented more than I wanted to.  The links for you to read and ponder:

TV Squad’s Jay Black’s commentary.

NY Times review.