Monthly Archives: April 2005

Undisclosed Location: Pen and Paper

Undisclosed Location: Pen and Paper

this is great. i love writing things out longhand (yes even with my terrible handwriting). and much like whoever writes “undisclosed location” i also prefer gridlined paper. and moleskines are awesome. of course adding the pages, as is the greatness of these posts is tough as i dont have a scanner (well i have one, but i’m not trying to hook it up and it’s older than dirt). plus there are not many times i’m not with my computer. but there are plenty of times i would rather write longhand versus typing it out.

suffice it to say, as of this posting, 3 “analog” posts have been made and each one is great and i agree with each one very much. in fact, if i ever do blatantly copy this idea (haha, maybe i’ll go super lowtech and just take a digital pic of my notes and post those, of course no one will be able to read it haha), don’t be surprised if my first few posts are eerily similar to the ones here thus far.

vehicular mood lights

we make money not art: Sensitive vehicles to help drivers – via engadget

this would be great! i would love this. of course, let me be completely honest, my car would always glow angry, or annoyed, or impatient. but if everyone else knew that maybe they’d get out of my way, stop driving like idiots around me and then i’d glow happy, peaceful contented. haha, of course my glowing red (or whatever color angry, annoyed, impatient is) would def tip off the cops to keep an eye on me though…

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The Man Date

The New York Times – The Man Date

man dating… hahaha… this is some funny stuff. though kind of true i suppose. though i’ve got to say that guys going to movies with other guys i dont think necessarily qualifies as a man date (though i suppose it depends on the movie).

“”But the opportunities to get close to another man, to share and talk about their feelings, are not available after a certain age.””

hmm, i dont know many guys of any age that are very comfortable talking and sharing feelings (without the aid of alcohol… oh the mandatory drunk “i love you man,” always happens, without fail)…

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playlists? i dont need no stinkin’ playlists

Playlist anxiety?

so apparently itunes playlists are a big deal at work as well as college campuses, coffeeshops with wifi. and apparently ppl are worried about what others will think of them bc of their playlist. i dont have any playlists for my pod except for full albums (for burning cds) and on-the-go’s that i didnt delete, one that is for things i’ve added in the past month, and one for highly rated but not played. though even when connected at work, or school, (never at coffeeshops, i dont do that sort of thing) i never see anyone else’s playlist. in fact i dont know if i have my playlists available to share. would i care if they did see my playlist? not really. so i like a wide variety of music. haha, perhaps i should make a playlist of all my fluff pop top 40 etc music. so i seem less interesting than i (think i) am. though i did read all those articles a few months back about ppl “flirting” using the playlists.

the only good thing about sharing playlists is being able to, ahem, copy songs from other ppl’s lists. though i’ve not done that in a long time, you know, not ever seeing other ppl’s music.

i should make some playlists, too much music, need a better way to organize it. my bigger itunes anxiety comes from having SO much music mistagged or not really tagged at all.

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brilliant… or kind of sad story about finding love at walmart

so walmart in germany, and soon other places, has like a singles night. you can read all details in the article itself, but what happened to the old (current) days where you went to the store and, you know, had to try to catch someone’s attention or just give it a shot with some crazy “umm, do you know how to tell if canteloupe is ripe?” type ridiculous question? ppl are lazy. now we need help to start flirting with other ppl. like i said, brilliant or sad.

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it starts

so i tend to read a lot of random stuff online. lot of news articles (from a wide variety of sites, though usually from the basic big ones), lots of blogs, lots of sports, lots of serious just weird crap. and much to the bane of my friends, i tend to send email after email after email with these links (i on occasion send the email straight from the site using their email this story function, but it’s rare) with my short comments. i know what it’s like to see 37 emails from someone all in one day of random stuff because every now and then a friend will get ambitious and reply to every single email and then my inbox is a page of just his replies. it’s great fun. so for awhile now i’ve thought i need a blog. not because i care so much about sharing with the world at large (though, hey, you’re more than welcome), but to save my friends the trouble of getting aforementioned 37 emails from me every day. so here it is, a blog of stuff that might just interest me (hence my poorly worded title to the blog).

just as a matter of an fyi, if this thing gets off the ground (i’m known for getting into something hardcore, then dropping it like a 50lbs sack of concrete quickly) i’ll eventually get serious about it and move to my own url/server etc (i mean there’s not much to stopping me now, just dont feel like paying the $8/year or whatever for a domain name). and if that actually happens, i hope to get my dueling blog idea running (dueling blogs, if you dont know, then you dont know, it’s not a hard concept, but one i dont feel like writing out at this moment. if you DO know, then i’ve talked to you about it and we need to stop being lazy and get on it).