Monthly Archives: January 2007

Wii want….

orange Alexander … wii death …

Haha, don’t you just love bad pun headlines?  I cannot stand how many people are tossing their Wii-motes!  How are these people even alive?  How is it that they don’t unintentionally let go of the car’s steering wheel while driving?  Especially in games like Wii Tennis.  I mean, do they routinely let their real rackets go while playing actual tennis?  Or is it that 90% of Wii owners have never actually participated in an actual sport….  (I kid… sort of).

All that said, it makes me want this shirt!

I want this

Hot Cooking Mama screens from the oven – Joystiq

Okay a little weak that it’s not some computer AI judging (based on speed, accuracy of cooking time/temps, precise measurement of ingredients, creativity), but rather apparently straightforward speed cooking, but still.  I want this game.  Haha, even makes me want a DS to play that version.  (This game and Nintendogs are the only things that actively make me want a DS).

Apple a day

So Apple announced a bevy of greatness: Apple TV, iPhone.  And of course I want both (nothing like using a personal multimedia device that runs a full OS and costs as much as a PS3).  And will likely get both (Apple TV is a toss-up… 60/40 I purchase).  I also want the unannounced but dropped new Airport.  Of course my G4PB doesn’t have the draft n airport card, so it’s kind of useless to me.  But the fact that it can act as a NAS device is heaven.  I HATE being tethered to my external hard drive.

No links because the links and info is everywhere (insane that Apple jumped over $6/share earlier after the announcements).

I am GREATLY disappointed there was no announcement on the iSight.  No news of replacement.  No silent addition to the Apple Store.  It’s just gone.  I guess it’s really time to hit up ebay.  I was waiting and waiting for MWSF to hope Jobs would drop a new one, but I guess not.