Monthly Archives: November 2007


This goes too far.

People now want a slimmed down Santa.

Umm, I don’t see any kids growing up saying “I want to grow up and be fat like Santa”.  In fact, while I agree healthy habits need to be fostered early in life, how does having a skinny Santa change that?  I think this is ludicrous.  It’s just another way to find something else to blame for what is fundamentally a (in the case of a child) parental problem.  Yes it costs more (not really) and takes more time to prepare healthy snacks and meals than to toss your kid a Happy Meal, but its the parents’ responsibility to their children to do so.



Cool, but perhaps ulitimately useless.  I guess the money example’s good.  but the reservations, I mean I guess you don’t have to write the restaurant’s info because you kept the card and just wrote a reminder on the pock-it.  Dunno.  It’s neat nonetheless… like the Post-It wall I posted about way back when. 


Need help achieving your goals?

Put some money on it.

Coming soon a website (StickK) that lets you do it.  Set a goal, if you don’t achieve you pay a set amount (payment to go to charity).  The example they give is weight loss.  Regardless of what the goal is, this is perfect for me.  I’m at my best, most disciplined self when something’s actually on the line.  And my money is a pretty good motivating factor.  In any money based competition (e.g. recently had a bet with some buddies who could lose the most weight in a month, $50/head into the pool, winner takes all… yes I won, I CRUSHED), I get as much satisfaction from keeping my money as I do from getting the winning money.

Sharing is caring

Sharing gameplay between couples.  This is an article about a woman who shared a character with her boyfriend.  Only to find that he played without her when she went out of town.  And how annoyed it made her initially.

I’ve read similar articles about Netflix.  Where people are watching a series or have their queue of movies they want to see, one half of the couple is unavailable or whatever, and the other goes on without.  It’s an interesting thing.  Which is why I don’t share my stuff with the girlfriend.  She can have her own profile/queue/character.  I’m more than willing to do things together (game, watch movies/tv series), but you have to have your own stuff.  Even if you also have “joint” things.  Haha, same goes for bank accounts!

Interesting design links

I should separate this into two posts, so as to watch my blog grow, but whatever.

Business card calendar design challenge.  – An interesting challenge to fit a year’s calendar on a business card in a legible way.  Lot of the designs have overlapping features, but all pretty good.

Pentagram 2008 Typography Calendar. – Just going to copy/paste the description.

Kit Hinrichs has designed Pentagram’s 2008 Classic Typographic Calendar using twelve typefaces designed by typographer Matthew Carter including Walker (originally designed in 1995 for the Walker Art Center), Snell Roundhand (a 1966 revival of 17th century English writing master Charles Snell) and Galliard (a 1978 anthology of Roman and Italian styles of French punch-cutter Robert Granjon). “I wanted to bring a new awareness of typographic design through this calendar,” said Hinrichs. “Typefaces are pervasive in our daily lives in everything we read and see around us and yet most people are oblivious of them or the circumstances in which they were created. We can gain a new perspective on our world by studying the origin of typefaces. I hope the calendar will encourage a new sensitivity to the importance of typeface usage and the work of Matthew Carter.”

I’d consider it

Engagement ring shapes.

While the classic round brilliant cut is still the most popular, apparently square cuts are en vogue.  I’m aways away from considering any of this, and I’m a classic style kind of guy, so round brilliant still my preferred choice, but asscher cut very nice as well.

edit: After a little looking, it’s round, cushion, Asscher.  If the Tiffany Novo (below) wasn’t so expensive it might cut in before the Asscher.

Tiffany Novo

Less about community, more about conformity

Serious About Style – NY Sun

I’m unabashedly a member (participating in varying degrees) of many of the forums listed in this article.  I don’t know if it’s a function of a certain kind of person looking for what they want joining or a group mentality thing, but many of these forums are a lot about conforming to their particular look.  I suppose that brings a sense of community.  And like any long time community, harder for new people to break into them.  They are an invaluable resource.  It’s just important to keep yourself yourself, rather than just fall lockstep into the aesthetic of the forum.