Here’s what I tweeted on 2008-09-24:

  • @LindsayG another trip/vacation? awesome! have fun #
  • my five guys dinner is kind of just sitting in my stomach. ugh #
  • @LindsayG I’m sure you’ve seen/know but flickr explore analog #
  • for whatever reason i’ve been going to sleep between 1-2 hours later than usual, very tired. #
  • i have a really hard time listening to people with big lisps. in private or public. it’s just tough to listen to #
  • @meghann did cle announce that? i know they were considering playing him, if not starting him, this week. #
  • looking forward to fall with great enthusiasm #
  • @technotheory great quote and true to boot. i have at least one major mannerism that is the last remains of a prior woman. harmless though #
  • my godfather booklet fits just fine in the sleevecase with the jewelbox, what are ppl complaining about? #
  • my HS is putting together a huge alum directory, i just called to have myself removed from the listing #
  • @boxdotnet i suppose so, i’ve not received any more "hey teamed up with dell" emails of late #
  • could palin please, just ONCE give a specific answer? to ANY issue question? #
  • @jwill9311 i know, it’s ridic. even during the debates, 90s limit for responses = a lot of BSing from her #

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