- that was really annoying my master password for 1password was wrong (i guess my note was an old one) and i had to reset and start anew #
- ugh, some nasty idiot ak vp bot following me on twitter. #
- @ayn yeah, i’m not limited beta either. i will reup nf when they do mac AND they stock adequate amounts of blurays. #
- @greggrunberg if it’s really going to get better i guess i’ll give it a few more eps, i am this close to not watching anymore #
- via @huffpo http://www.whatwecouldhavedonewiththemoney.com/ – spend the iraq war coffers on other things #
- trying writing a tweet from within wordpress just bc i can i suppose #
- to combat the lack of music on tv perhaps, mtv now has a hulu-ish music vid site http://www.mtvmusic.com/ (via @nymag) #
- well officially signed up for nanowrimo. wish me luck #
- via @slashfood ocean friendly sushi http://www.blueocean.org/ #
- http://tinyurl.com/2pveqp i got 13/15 #
- i distrust anyone who writes “blue ray” rather than “bluray” or “blu-ray” #
- @closetcaucus today might be the last day i went out sans scarf. walking to the metro to go to work in the AM is bit more than brisk #
- “And although it seems heaven sent We ain’t ready, to see a black President, uhh” tupac in 1998. 10 years later on the cusp #
- basketball tonight!!! this is my favorite time of year, football and basketball! #
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