- @peterrojas yes, he clearly has the money to afford HD cams or hell just rent some REDs #
- @ayn you have no idea how close i am to placing order (wife isn’t against it) #
- @ayn maybe i buy and sell a macbook #
- @ayn what bin price? #
- barack show was a little underwhelming if you’ve been following hte campaign, but i guess not meant for those #
- ordered…. #
- @sidneylo if by ultimate you mean the 2.8ghz monster no, the lowly 2.4. i’m not a baller like you guys (you, @ayn, etc) #
- @KPB not what you hoped as in not met your expectations or the meal was different (taste, ingredients, etc) than you thought #
- i HATE making ebay listings #
- @ryanblock nice, i hope it’s in HD (all the tivo boxes listed in annoucement are). oh and the tivo.com/netflix isn’t up yet, ha #
- btw, i’m sure tweeted out last night, but i was underwhelmed by obama show. as a follower didn’t seem like much, if any new stuff #
- but the obama special certainly did an excellent job of putting him and his ideas out there for those “undecideds” #
- http://is.gd/5dp5 – the last dragon remake? i don’t know how i feel about this. i love that movie. intrigued and scared at the same time #
- i’m not skinny and i dont want to be insensitive, but i honestly don’t understand: http://is.gd/5dq7 #
- “i’m not voting against mccain, i’m voting for obama” not quite the sentiment the mccain camp is pushing http://is.gd/588o #
- exxon posts record breaking 3q net profits. RIDICS #
- Lesser of two evils: jacked up fingernails or a jacked up jaw from chewing gum so much? #
- 1password license is 50% off today #
- @iamshimone @ayn might be more help, but browser integration for one. both are great, 1 is free 1 is not. #
- @sidneylo i feel your genius bar pain. fuck them for realz #
- @sidneylo awesome sid. after my iphone issues, fuck the genius bar forever. #
- @ayn really, wtf are you doing? i haven’t had growl crash ever, granted you use your machine like 23948230984x more than i do mine #
- so per @slashfilm the weirdo guitar hero/risky business ad was directed by ratner. and as they point out what a comparison to fincher’s nike #
- @iamshimone wow, the difference in your and my iphone apple store experiences are worlds apart. haha, i even went to 2 diff stores too! #
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