- i know it’s her name and all, but europe’s “carrie” is a crap song to play during a beach volleyball match #
- @LindsayG so random and kind of gross, kind of neat. i’m not going to lie, i kind of want to buy it just to see. #
- @gruber in imax i presume? #
- @ayn not a question of if starbux sucks in china too. the question is does it taste the same? if so, they’re doing their job. #
- ack! monty peed in our bed AGAIN this morning. AFTER i took him out. #
- http://tinyurl.com/5gaf8g – carmelo anthony shouts out skype #
- If I have a guest with somewhat limited English skills which is better: pineapple express or tropical thunder? #
- http://twitpic.com/7ocr – Looks like storms about to roll in over dc #
- if i ever start a band (or maybe the title of a new blog) it’ll be either ampersand syntax or syntax ampersand. actual use of & as alt name #
- @LindsayG what’s “ur”? uhrrrrr? errrr? haha, what’s a wiki, that’s funny. #
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