Category Archives: Design

Koreans FTW!

Oh those inventive people of the land of the morning calm.  I’m not the biggest fast food eater (though I do love it so).  But much like that McDonald’s topping pizza, I’d try ALL of this stuff.

The Col-Pop.
image via Serious Eats.  (You can actually get this in the US.  See locations.)

Oh the goodness that is Korean chicken. Mmmm.

Moving on… Instead of pizzas that find ever increasingly crazy ways to add MORE cheese to the pizza, why can’t Pizza Hut in the US come up with ideas like Pizza Hut South Korea?  Introducing the Shrimp Roll Pizza and the Hot Dog Roll Pizza (aka the Royal Crust Pizza).

shrimp roll pizza

hot dog roll
Images via Serious Eats.

Disgusting?  Maybe (well probably).  Unhealthy?  Certainly.  Do I want to try them all?  Most definitely!