Category Archives: Entertainment


This has been growing way fast.  I forget where I first read about it.  Create a “mixtape” (or, err, muxtape) by uploading music to the site.  You get a link.  You share, “trade”, etc. muxtapes with friends and strangers.  It seems in concept like a more user defined Last.FM.

I’ve not made one yet, but a lot of my music is in .mp4, which isn’t supported (yet, but is slated for support).  Maybe I’ll check it out and add it to my linkroll.  Not that anyone reads this blog to click to listen to my muxtape.  But if you are out there mysterious readers (hell, even the 3-4 regular readers I have that are family/friends) create a muxtape and toss me the link.  Or you know, get a Last.FM account or something.  (Not that I’m active in any of this social networking web2.0 stuff.)


EDIT: wow no joke. I checked muxtape yesterday.  Only the creator’s (of the site) muxtape was available.  Now there’s a whole slew of them.  Not bad for roughly 12 hours of difference since last I went there.

Today’s ripoff Kottke post

Some links courtesy of the great  (For the 3 people who read my blog, go ahead and check it out, but not at the expense of reading here too!)

Creative business names.  (Mostly service industry: restaurants, coffee shops, inns.)

Desire Paths – Civic engineers don’t determine where we walk…. WE do!  YES WE CAN! (to ape Bill Simmons aping Obama).

I’m a nerd

And this article pertains to entertainment I enjoy.  Though I must say I’ve never played WoW (but I know enough people who have to be familiar with it).  And I’ve never seen Donnie Darko (just haven’t had the urge, not actually actively not watching it).  (And while I have had girlfriends and I do currently have a girlfriend, I say with some amount of pride I’ve never seen a single iteration of Pride and Prejudice.)

Nerdfotainment – Rands in Response.
via Daring Fireball

information design

Awhile back I bought what essentially amounts to a textbook on information design.  How to visually present information.  I never peeled the plastic off of it.  And it sits on my shelf collecting dust.  I am interested in it though.  And I will read it one day.  But today here are two examples of visual presentation of information.

St. Elsewhere’s universe (pdf) from Tommy Westphall – A multiverse explored.

And a flowchart of the effect of Dungeons and Dragons on life. - d&d

Lots of good from Kotte

Haha, I really should just wholesale copy his site in an embedded window or something.  Links from

Typographica’s 2007 favorite typefaces.  And this great bit about the difference between font and typeface:

“The physical embodiment of a collection of letters (whether it’s a case of metal pieces or a computer file) is a font. When referring to the design of the collection (the way it looks) you call it a typeface.” – Mark Simonson

Haikuvies – Haiku movie reviews.  I don’t know if I like them better than Four Word Film Reviews, they are certainly more detailed, given that the haikus are stanzas long.  Both are interesting, fun, creative review of movies.

Finally, English is stupid.  Ghoti = fish.

Space Kimchi

I totally understand the need for kimchi.  I used to think my dad was weird for wanting to eat kimchi as soon as we’d get home from a non-Korean restaurant.  But I get older and I understand it more and more.   I was born and raised in the US, but I understand.

Space Kimchi! - space kimchi
image courtesy

Another picture:

space kimchi
image courtesy gizmodo

Be Cool

Be a cool hipster…. get a graphic tee at Rumplo.

You can search and whatnot.  There are other, probably better, sites, but I found this one this morning so here it is.  Despite this excellent interview of John Gruber (of Daring Fireball) by Shawn Blanc that, among other things, discusses writing and blogging, I decided to just toss something up this morning without much thought about what it is since I’ve not posted in awhile.

Koreans FTW!

Oh those inventive people of the land of the morning calm.  I’m not the biggest fast food eater (though I do love it so).  But much like that McDonald’s topping pizza, I’d try ALL of this stuff.

The Col-Pop.
image via Serious Eats.  (You can actually get this in the US.  See locations.)

Oh the goodness that is Korean chicken. Mmmm.

Moving on… Instead of pizzas that find ever increasingly crazy ways to add MORE cheese to the pizza, why can’t Pizza Hut in the US come up with ideas like Pizza Hut South Korea?  Introducing the Shrimp Roll Pizza and the Hot Dog Roll Pizza (aka the Royal Crust Pizza).

shrimp roll pizza

hot dog roll
Images via Serious Eats.

Disgusting?  Maybe (well probably).  Unhealthy?  Certainly.  Do I want to try them all?  Most definitely!