Category Archives: Entertainment

chef vs chefs, who’s cuisine will reign supreme? – Bourdain’s thoughts on the Food Network

The network is crap. But if they offered it in high def (they do or will) I’d watch….

And Food Net seems more interested in her enormous head (big head equals big ratings. Really!) and her cleavage

I’ve said from day ONE that Giada’s head was HUGE!!!! And everyone scoffed until they really thought about it and looked!

Cool Hunting:

Cool Hunting:

I use Tangerine myself.  Or I would if i really cared.  I just run with my mess on shuffle.  I really should make some workout specific playlists.  I can’t be bothered with such stuff.  The Repacer feature sounds cool though.  Reworking the BPM of a song to fit.  Though I could see how it would totally F things up.

Not my bag, baby… (but kind of)

“Dog Meat” Dog T-Shirt > ZenKimchi Korean Fun Store | CafePress

Normally I’m against this sort of joke (my friend’s favorite joke: What do you call a Korean walking 5 dogs? A caterer.). AND I’m against dog clothing (though my dog has 5 items of clothing, I purchased 2, my girlfriend bought Monty 3 things). But I do kind of want this:

dog meat

I’m all over this.  I used to do this in my college days.  I’d have a movie playing in the background sound only (via surround setup), while playing a game on my main tv and having the television on the second tv (yes, I’ve lived most of my adult life employing a two tv set up.  It’s even better than PIP, well some PIP is very good).