Category Archives: Entertainment

grafitti 2.0

the new graffiti? jet set radio! (that’s right SET, the original, not the jet GRIND radio we got in the states, and not the jet set radio future on xbox… the original!)

Another difference is that the new subway graffiti usually looks like a crude scrawl, rather than the detailed writing or representational art that was common in the graffiti of years past and has shown up again on the sides of buildings from Williamsburg to the South Bronx.

that’s just making a relatively baseless distinction. yeah the graffiti of days past was more colorful, but that’s because they were using paint or markers. in the pic in this article, the new etched tags don’t look substantially different to tags in marker or paint.

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pop vs soda… the correct answer is coke

a study of vernacular or lexicon as you will

this is a totally unscientific study, if you can call it that, about what people call “soft drinks” or “sodas” etc. i grew up in TX, but in a military town. I grew up saying coke, now I say soda. according to this site soda is said in the county i grew up by about 26% of the people. the change for me happened when i went to college in the midatlantic.

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another reason to detest rich ppl

producer sacrifices for his art

So the producer of an Eddie Griffin (oh yeah, that’s a sure return on investment) movie is offering up his cars to be in the movie (an automobile thriller). cars include a phantom, lambo murci, enzo, and a p-car carrera GT. the p-car will BE CRASHED DURING ONE SEQUENCE!!!

he’s offering up his GT to be wrecked! ugh.

Technorati Tags: , , – ‘Brokeback’ screening lands prison officer in hot water – Apr 8, 2006 – ‘Brokeback’ screening lands prison officer in hot water – Apr 8, 2006

okay, so here’s the summary intro paragraph/sentence from this article:

A Massachusetts correctional officer is being disciplined for showing the gay cowboy movie “Brokeback Mountain” to inmates at the state’s largest prison because his boss determined that the film includes content inappropriate for a prison setting.

this is from a reuters wire article. reuters is a news organization like the AP (though mostly a secondary/international source in the US). Here’s my problem with it. it’s all fun and games for comedians, late-night talk show hosts, etc etc etc to make the almost obligatory brokeback mountain jokes. to stereotype it as the “gay cowboy movie” when it’s not a gay cowboy movie. but to put the term “gay cowboy movie” in the lead of the article, that goes around the world?!?! that just propagates the whole problem. gives legitimacy to it, when it shouldn’t be.

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