I’ve long since endeavored to keep my own profile on the internet to a minimum. This blog is a big step in the wrong direction, but it’s still to a small degree anonymous (a very small degree, in fact the only degree is that i didn’t name the blog after myself). Though I suppose this kind of thing wouldn’t be too bad. I’d never use it though. I figure if I’ve lost contact, such is life…. hahaha…
Category Archives: Personal stuff
What sex is your writing?
This is great. I hide nothing from my loyal 4 readers. Heck, you can check. Some posts come up as female. Some as mail. Rest assured dear readers, all written by me. I’m not farming out my blogging to a team of bloggers, nosireebob.
High Def?
So I just got a 1080p HDTV. And I got a nice upconverting dvd player for Christmas. And yet I’m plagued by the thought of a PS3 or an Xbox360 (or xo as i like to call it… get it, x for xbox, o for circle which equals 360 degrees! I’m so clever idiotic.). Nevermind my friends who are going crazy over the fact that I got a nice HD set and don’t have an HD movie player. Listen, it bothers me too. I LOVE movies. I’d get a PS3 or xo for HD movies alone, never mind gaming. (Why not just get a stand alone Bluray or HD-DVD player you ask? Well I do enjoy gaming as well, so there’s that.). But it’s a lot of layout for movies of which I’m not positive which format will win out. There are movies on both that I really love. Perhaps for Christmas…..
Undisclosed Location: Analog 20050428
this is universal. i could’ve written it in any class i’ve had the past few years. in my entire life i’ve had like 4 dynamic professors. the rest, oh man.
last legs
so my academic career, well for the most part is on its last legs. just sat through my last academic class. 3 finals to go, but no more classes. for a long time.
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Amazon.com: Books: The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Composed of three hardcover, four-color volumes in a sturdy slipcase, this edition will include all Calvin and Hobbes cartoons that ever appeared in syndication
oh man, such greatness is this strip. i love calvin and hobbes. and i HATE all those ppl who have infringed on the trademark to make those idiotic decals of calvin pissing on X or kneeling and praying. There’s a reason why bill watterson didn’t license these characters (he writes about it in the 10th anniversary book). Love me some Calvin and Hobbes
i used to write haikus when i was bored in class. they all pretty much sounded the same. something about time going slowly, wanting to leave class, being tired, and classmates being stupid. but right now, this moment, seriously so tired that i don’t think i could focus enough to compose one. i should’ve not edited my sleep and just left the string of D’s or whatever letter my finger stayed on while i dozed. it’s amusing. i’ve not slept this much in class since freshman year of college (when i also fell asleep writing notes; once i fell asleep walking). ti’s sad really. but i’m a tired man…
my future
haha, a personal post. i dont really like to post things about me. i like link-comment. which this follows, but i had to blog this. because one way or the other this is my foreseeable future. and the description seems dead on. though currently i work in the legal field and the atmosphere is MUCH more laid back.