Category Archives: “Real” things

Real things: news, environment, politics, science, sociology, etc.

It’s not as healthy as you think

Healthier than McNuggets though.

Caloric information for sushi.

Let’s see, on the list I get spicy tuna (290 cal, 11g fat, 26g carbs), tuna nigiri (240 cal, 1g fat, 27g carbs), salmon sashimi (164 cal, 6g fat, 0g carbs).  I eat much, much more than just these three things, but even if I ONLY ate this (which would never happen), that’s 694 calories, 18g of fat, 53g carbs.  Sheesh!


I’m fairly certain we are devolving (de-evolving?  See it’s already happening to me!) as a society.  That thing a few weeks/months back I posted about the human race splitting has to be true.  As I’m pretty sure I mentioned in that post, the movie Idiocracy (a failed attempt on a good idea) seems prescient.

Anyways, the latest clue that we are just setting up our own doom, I give you the Double Deep Meat Lover’s pizza from Pizza Hut.  A single slice will log you 580 calories!  But hey, maybe someone can just eat three slices a day and lose some weight (though not as much as you might thing, and definitely they won’t be healthy) since they’d only be consuming 1740 calories a day.  Of course, 90% of Americans (I just made that stat up) would probably put down 3 slices a sitting so…

This is how easy it is to slip into crazy

This woman decided to go for the size 0 “ideal” size for a documentary about what it takes to get there.  She tried it over 6 weeks.  She basically fell into some eating disorders and crazy thinking about eating and weight loss.  How quickly she fell into the thought patterns of eating disorders and such.

My 6-week journey to the land of thin – UK Times Online

I don’t accept this

Fat as the new normal.

I’m all for women being comfortable with their bodies (limiting this discussion to women, because it was women discussed in the article), but for fat to be accepted as normal?  Nope.  I’m not down with that.  Should women being face a deluge of unrealistic images of “perfect” bodied women?  No.  Should the be pressured to conform to that unattainable (for the most part) ideal?  No.  Should they be made to feel shameful about their bodies?  No.  Not in a bad sense.  But should there be societal pressure for them to lose weight for HEALTH reasons?  I think so.  Maybe this makes me an asshole, but to just let fat be normal/okay, I don’t know about that.  But this is definitely a bi-nodal thing.  More and more obsession with celebrity and impossibly skinny people.  But also an ever increasing focus and emphasis on health.  Here’s to hoping health wins out.