Not my bag, baby… (but kind of)

“Dog Meat” Dog T-Shirt > ZenKimchi Korean Fun Store | CafePress

Normally I’m against this sort of joke (my friend’s favorite joke: What do you call a Korean walking 5 dogs? A caterer.). AND I’m against dog clothing (though my dog has 5 items of clothing, I purchased 2, my girlfriend bought Monty 3 things). But I do kind of want this:

dog meat

I’m all over this.  I used to do this in my college days.  I’d have a movie playing in the background sound only (via surround setup), while playing a game on my main tv and having the television on the second tv (yes, I’ve lived most of my adult life employing a two tv set up.  It’s even better than PIP, well some PIP is very good).