okay, so this pic was on CNN.com’s main page this afternoon. It’s a scene from after a bombing in Iraq. I’m an asshole because more than people making their way out of wreckage, I think it looks like a wanna be hip hop concert. the guy is beboxing, the lady is air turntabling!
Tag Archives: humor
I don’t think this would fly in the US
Funny Ice Cream
Not my bag, baby… (but kind of)
“Dog Meat” Dog T-Shirt > ZenKimchi Korean Fun Store | CafePress
Normally I’m against this sort of joke (my friend’s favorite joke: What do you call a Korean walking 5 dogs? A caterer.). AND I’m against dog clothing (though my dog has 5 items of clothing, I purchased 2, my girlfriend bought Monty 3 things). But I do kind of want this:
I want his gear
Geico must pay a nice bit of bank. No joke, I’m going to hunt down the music off his party mix. I didn’t even do that for Barney’s Mix (or Barney’s Mix TV version)
How to Yelp it!
Present Imperfect: This entry <i>x</i> where it should have <i>y</i>.
Haha, a funny little tutorial on how to write reviews…
via Kottke
This is CRYING to be a Jenny Jones show
Row over angry, penis-removing doctor | Metro.co.uk
If Jenny Jones was still on the air? Or maybe a Maury? Not a Springer. Could this be a Montel? Don’t know. All I know is ….. umm, there are no words. And I’m glad the Doc had to personally pay damages.
I wonder if they got this from Talladega Nights
Haha, where the dad makes Ricky Bobby drive away from the cops.
We all know it was in dispute for a long time
Active gaming burns more calories, coordination still a concern – Joystiq
But the research has been done! Being active, even if playing video games, burns more calories that being inactive, even if playing video games! Scientific texts will have to be rewritten! New curriculum created to start teaching these REVOLUTIONARY new findings!
Wii want….
orange Alexander … wii death …
Haha, don’t you just love bad pun headlines? I cannot stand how many people are tossing their Wii-motes! How are these people even alive? How is it that they don’t unintentionally let go of the car’s steering wheel while driving? Especially in games like Wii Tennis. I mean, do they routinely let their real rackets go while playing actual tennis? Or is it that 90% of Wii owners have never actually participated in an actual sport…. (I kid… sort of).
All that said, it makes me want this shirt!