An article about litigation regarding the use of color.
Tag Archives: legal
Maybe I should check the ACLU
Frequently Asked Questions |
I used to have a little pocket thing with procedures for when you were pulled over and/or arrested, etc. I lost it. I’m pretty sure it was an ACLU publication.
I’m a native Texan, but…
Use a License Plate Frame, Go To Texas Jail – Jalopnik
This makes me HATE Texas a little. Honestly, you can barely buy a license plate cover that wouldn’t obscure part of the words and/or art on Texas plates. The art on the standard plate goes RIGHT to the edge. Dealer covers that many people leave installed for whatever reason (it certainly can’t be aesthetic) obscure part of it. It’s absolutely ridiculous.
Good luck in law school idiot
Student sues university over grade | US News |
I don’t know if this would make him a better candidate for law school or a worse one. All I know is that if he’s pitching a fit over a grading curve now, he’s totally fucked in law school
I’m not much of a lawyer but…
East Side Art Dealer Sues Homeless Men – January 17, 2007 – The New York Sun
Why not just get the order keeping them away? Or call the police and have them moved for loitering or something? Why include a claim for $1M in damages? You don’t sue unless you can go after deep pockets. What’s the point otherwise….
You can blame corporate America
AppleInsider | Apple to impose 802.11n unlocking fee on Intel Mac owners
I’m no SarOx expert or anything. In fact, I only know the most basic things about the law. But this is absolute crap. And if Apple has to charge a nominal fee, why $5? Why not $1? So ridiculous. I blame Enron, WorldCom, etc. for all those problems which led to Sarbannes-Oxley.
Umm, yep… that sounds about right
Lawyers Reconsidering What They Signed Up For – Gawker
Honestly I know one person who graduated law school and says (s)he is happy being a lawyer. Everyone else is either ambivalent or dislikes it.